Te vari redzēt meklēšanas rezultātus.
Atbilstošās lapas:
- Dundaga Cycling Circle: 105 Apmeklējumi
- 00|Dundaga Cycling Circle}} ===== Description of the route (around 30 km) ===== ::Ecotourism route visiting nature and historical objects: the centre of Dundaga - Liepniekvalks caves - biologi... rm «Jumari» (rest, lunch, getting acquainted with the farm) – Valpene stone pyramid – Kubalu school-museum – «Būdeni», the native home of the crocodile hunter Arvīds Blūmen
- Formatting Syntax: 101 Apmeklējumi
- some simple markup language, which tries to make the datafiles to be as readable as possible. This pag... ains all possible syntax you may use when editing the pages. Simply have a look at the source of this page by pressing "Edit this page". If you want to try something, just use the [[playground:playground|playground]] page. The si
- Places to visit: 72 Apmeklējumi
- Places to visit ====== ===== Castle ===== ==== The Castle of Dundaga ==== {{ ::no_gaisa.jpg?200|Dundagas pils}} ::The largest and oldest castle in North Kurzeme. Its building dares back to the 3rd quarter of the 13th century. It was built by Riga Dome chapter for the economic needs. The castle
- Exhibitions in the castle: 20 Apmeklējumi
- ====== Exhibitions in the castle ====== ===== History of the castle ===== At the one of the exhibits you can see a small exhibition space with photographs and drawings of the various
- Exhibitions in the castle: 20 Apmeklējumi
- ====== Exhibitions in the castle ====== ===== History of the castle ===== At the one of the exhibits you can see a small exhibition space with photographs and drawings of the various
- DokuWiki: 18 Apmeklējumi
- users for its clean and readable [[wiki:syntax]]. The ease of maintenance, backup and integration makes... n connectors]] make DokuWiki especially useful in the enterprise context and the large number of [[doku>plugins]] contributed by its vibrant community allow... nge of use cases beyond a traditional wiki. Read the [[doku>manual|DokuWiki Manual]] to unleash the fu
- Accommodation: 13 Apmeklējumi
- }} ::**PSA ZIEMEĻKURZEME PANSIJA**, 2,5 km from the centre of Dundaga, for 13 persons, address 1905.g... poli.jpg?200|Pūpoli }} ::**PŪPOLI**, 1 km from the centre of Dundaga, <[email protected]>, [[http://w... 0|Krūziņi }} ::**KRŪZIŅI**, for 12 persons, in the very centre of Dundaga. Address "Krūziņi" Talsu i... V 3270. Place for celebrations, and tasty meal in the cafe of the guest house, rooms for seminars. Phon
- Dundaga Tourist Information Centre: 8 Apmeklējumi
- 961.jpg?200|Dundagas pils}} // ::Be as curious as the Green Maiden of the Dundaga Castle - come and see everything with your own eyes! Come and listen to the sounds of the Livonian Latvian, take a nap under a large oak tree, have a bite of traditional carrot-p
- Dundaga tourist information center charged: 5 Apmeklējumi
- ist information center charged excursion guide to the Castle Dundaga per visitor, an excursion length 0... s (no more than two per group), which accompanies the student groups: free of charge * Tour in Englis... ian language: Ls 1.60 ** Castle courtyard and the interior (the second-floor hallway at the big and small hall) testing without a guide: LVL 0.40 **
- Leisure activities: 2 Apmeklējumi
- īteres lighthouse) Trail at the lighthouse, Pēterezera nature path, Kolkasraga Pi... 9444395, <[email protected]> Recreation places at the lake Baložezers ---- ===== Dundaga Cycling ro
- VokÄlÄs grupas «Framest» koncerts: 2 Apmeklējumi
- mest» var lepoties ar dalÄ«bu slavenÄs grupas «The Real Group» rÄ«kotajÄ Â«The Real a Cappella Festival» pagÄjuÅ¡a gada rudenÄ« ZviedrijÄ. Ražen
- Pasaku namiņš: 2 Apmeklējumi
- ndoor pool * Fire-places hall * Lodging for the night Relaxation possibilities up to 20-30 pers... ground floor for party --– Ls 35.00 Lodging for the night --– Ls 3.00 --– 5.00 \\ \\ ** Teiku par
- Dundagas vidusskola: 1 Apmeklējumi
- un vides izglītības programma), * COMENIUS – <<The EUth club>> (starptautisks projekts starp Polijas
- Lāčplēša dienā: 1 Apmeklējumi
- brīvības cīņu raksturojumu tā laika angļu avīzē «The Times» uzrunā citēja novada priekšsēdētājs Gunārs
- Vasaras piedzīvojumā gar jūru: 1 Apmeklējumi